Arcade Machine

The Benefits of Offline Arcade Machine Gaming

November 24, 2021

At Arcade Mania we are huge advocates for the gaming genre as a whole. Despite this we do prioritise retro arcade machine style gaming which is more often then not offline. We choose to create a gaming experience for the individual which entails fun and challenging offline gaming. In the modern age online gaming is of course the more popular choice as it helps to connect with friends and provide a more competitive edge, yet who’s to say that cannot happen with offline custom arcade machine gaming…

Unlimited Time

We have all had a scenario In which we get to a hard level in a game and spend countless hours trying to pass it. It can be extremely frustrating and aggravating especially if it is preventing your progress. Luckily, when it comes to your bespoke arcade machine you have unlimited time! As it is an offline experience there are no ‘pay to skip’ features or ‘limited time events’ meaning you cannot move past a certain level unless it is completed. As you will have so much time to dedicate to this level you will eventually pass it and gain a real sense of achievement from your custom arcade machine games that perhaps would not be reciprocated with online gameplay.

Why not check out our Classic Arcade Machines! Handmade to order in the UK, the Classic Machine is the pinnacle of arcade gaming. Now as standard with Suzo Happ joysticks and a front audio amp, this machine plays like a dream and guarantees years of enjoyment! This seen beside is the Classic Marble arcade machine that we provide here at Arcade Mania.

Arcade V4 Mega View 2

Play Together in Person

The great thing about owning a bespoke arcade machine is that the majority of people will think it is really cool and want to play on it! This can be a great way to connect with your friends in person instead of over a voice chat online. This can create a real competitive edge as nobody will want to lose face-to-face as there is no escape for the loser due to this being offline. You can have hours of fun on your retro arcade machine whilst also engaging in fun conversation with your friends which creates a more positive gaming experience.


Another benefit of offline retro arcade machine gaming is just how convenient it is. When playing online you are having to wait for games to load, wasting time waiting for your friends to get online and for you all to agree on what game to play. By the time that everything is settled you will have probably wasted several hours when you could’ve been playing offline on your custom arcade machine instantly! It is as simple as turning on and playing the game of your choice.

Why not check out our Table-Top Machines! Handmade to order in the UK, our new Cocktail Table Machine is the perfect addition to your home or business. Challenge your closest friends or arch-nemesis to one of 412 games pre-loaded on the machine! Use our unique customiser to bring your cocktail table to life, or buy as advertised. In any case, our reviews are a testament to our focus on customisation, high-quality components, and build quality. 

Sunset In Paradise

No Internet Required

Whilst your custom arcade machine will have built in WIFI compatibility it is not necessary for you to play. If you are wanting to play online on your console with your friends and your WIFI drops out then your experience is over before it has started. Let’s start with the basics. Crypto casinos without KYC are online gambling platforms where you can play using cryptocurrency without submitting personal information. That means no uploading documents like ID cards or bank statements. If you’re looking for a Crypto Casino No KYC UK option, these platforms let you skip the time-consuming verification process while still enjoying a full range of games. Comparatively, if you were never intending to use the internet whilst playing on your bespoke arcade machine and your house loses WIFI then it will have absoultely no impact on your offline gaming experience.

Contact Us

If you’re a fan of fun & excitement, then you should look at our fantastic range of arcade machines. Alternatively, if you have a question about our products, you can visit our contact page or be sure to give us a call on 0121 433 5554 and we would be more than happy to help.

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